When you visit a hospital, clinic, surgery center, or doctor’s office, you put your trust in healthcare providers that they will not make any medical error in your care. When you are injured as a result of medical negligence, getting justice can feel like an overwhelming task. The medical negligence attorneys at Schroeter Goldmark & Bender can help.
SGB attorneys have experience and knowledge in medical negligence cases, including cases concerning nursing negligence. If we believe the injuries may have been caused by negligence, we begin a very thorough review of the medical records. Our team knows what to look for and also consults with expert nurses and doctors about the care provided in the case.
We communicate with our clients to help them understand the process, investigate our cases thoroughly and present compelling evidence to juries. As a result, our work has resulted in several multimillion-dollar verdicts in favor of our clients.
When to file.
The statute of limitations for medical negligence in Washington is usually three years, although there are some exceptions. If you suspect you have a claim, you should immediately talk with an experienced attorney who can determine what the law requires for your particular situation.
Let us help you.
There is no charge for us to review your potential claim. If we take your case, we do so on a contingency basis, meaning that you don’t pay our fees unless we successfully resolve the claim in your favor. Contact us for a free, confidential case review or call us at (800) 809-2234.
How SGB helps.
Trial expertise. Not all medical errors are the result of negligence. Explaining to a jury that the injuries at hand are caused by negligence requires that the legal team fully understand all of the issues. Additionally, medical malpractice victims are often faced with jurors under the impression that medical lawsuits are frivolous and groundless. SGB knows how to address these biases in trial.
Thorough investigations. If we believe the injuries may have been caused by negligence, we begin a very thorough review of the medical records. Our team knows what to look for and also consults with expert nurses and doctors about the care provided in the case. We explain our evaluation clearly to clients, so the family learns from the process.
Understanding of medical terminology and systems. Sorting through records can be extremely difficult for people trying to determine for themselves what went wrong. At SGB, we have experience in reviewing charts and electronic records. We talk with our clients about our review, so they understand their case. Medical malpractice cases often involve insurers, L&I benefits, VA plans, and other third parties. SGB attorneys are experienced in sorting out these players.
Client support. Many times, people are busy dealing with their injuries or loss and feel like talking to an attorney will be an additional burden. We make the process of evaluating your case as simple as possible so you can concentrate on other issues. We also try to minimize the amount of time the case takes from clients’ daily lives. We support our clients from intake to trial and every step in between.
Related legal services. We will work with clients to help them navigate the maze of benefits programs. We also have attorneys experienced in taking on the manufacturers of defective pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
- $1.9 million settlement for the family of a woman who died after her physician failed to follow up on abnormal lab results.
- $1.3 million settlement in an anesthesia malpractice case resulting in patient’s death.
- $1 million settlement for a “rapid detoxification” procedure carried out in a negligent manner.
- $1 million settlement in a case involving mental health treatment by an unqualified provider.
- $1 million verdict for nursing home negligence resulting in vision loss.
- $975,000 settlement for wrongful death for failure to treat infection following dental procedure.
- $500,000 in a surgical malpractice case.
- $350,000 settlement for prescription of drug with toxic side effects without proper monitoring.
DISCLAIMER: This is the fine print, but our fine print is regular size and in clear language. These client quotes and settlement/verdict figures are examples of the results we have obtained for others. Their cases were different from yours, so your result is sure to be different. We post these results for you to see that we have a track record of hard work, client service, and trial success. We won’t guarantee the results of your case, but we will guarantee to bring the same passion, skill, and experience when we fight for you.
Team Members

Adam Berger

Andy Boes

Sergio A. Garcidueñas-Sease

Liz McLafferty

Sims Weymuller