It’s frightening to think that particles inhaled decades ago can result in a life-threatening illness. It’s even more disturbing that companies knew about the danger of asbestos dust and did nothing to protect workers from exposure. If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases, you may be entitled to compensation, and you should contact an asbestos-mesothelioma lawyer at SGB. Funds may have already been set aside for you and other victims
For decades, the mesothelioma lawyers at SGB have been helping Washington families who have been hit with a mesothelioma diagnosis. We live here, we practice here, and for more than 40 years, our compassionate, tenacious mesothelioma lawyers have served people like you. Our law firm’s mesothelioma practice has asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers with local know-how—we know judges and juries, we know the products that have resulted in asbestos exposure, and we know the Washington shipyards, refineries, paper mills, and construction sites that failed to protect their workers.
Our mesothelioma lawyers know the law and we know how to win mesothelioma cases.
SGB asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers have been representing asbestos workers and their families longer than any law firm in Washington. Most of the important asbestos appellate decisions in favor of asbestos victims in the state were won by SGB mesothelioma and asbestosis lawyers; no law firm in Washington has tried more asbestos cancer lawsuits and mesothelioma cases than SGB. We have won millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for asbestos victims.
The fact that you’re reading this page means you and your loved ones may be facing one of the greatest challenges of your life. Let our asbestos-mesothelioma law firm help. We have a team of asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers and staff whose experience and skills will guide you through the legal process from beginning to end. Whether you live in Mount Vernon, Bellingham, Tacoma, Bremerton, Seattle, Spokane, or anywhere in Washington, we’re happy to meet you at your home or our office and get started on your case.
When you hire SGB, the asbestos-mesothelioma lawyer you meet on day one will be the lawyer who will be with you all the way through. We work as a team with a staff of dedicated paralegals and legal assistants to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
Explore our asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers' history of success.
The SGB mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers have successfully settled countless cases for victims of asbestos exposure over the past 40 years. Settlements are almost always subject to confidentiality agreements. We therefore limit and vaguely describe just a few examples.
- SGB asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers recovered $2.5 million for an insulator.
- SGB asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers recovered over $2 million for someone who worked at a shipyard for a few months.
- SGB asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers recovered over $3 million on behalf of a woman exposed to asbestos through her father, who worked as an insulator throughout Oregon and Washington.
- SGB asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers recovered over $4 million for a boiler technician.
Trial Verdicts
We have taken 27 asbestos trials to verdict. That’s the highest number of asbestos jury verdicts of any Washington law firm representing victims of asbestos exposure. Below are a few examples of our successes.
- SGB asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers obtained a $16.6 million verdict after a trial in King County, Washington, on behalf of the widow of a paper mill worker who had been exposed to asbestos on the job. This verdict is the is the largest award for a mesothelioma case in King County, Washington.
- SGB mesothelioma lawyers recovered $1.3 million. The largest asbestos jury verdict in Kitsap County, Washington in any personal injury case for the family of a pipe fitter who suffered from mesothelioma. The Washington Supreme Court affirmed the verdict and struck down a legislative cap on damages.
- SGB mesothelioma lawyers recovered over $1 million verdict in King County, Washington for a retired naval supply officer and his wife for mesothelioma caused by exposure to asbestos-containing insulation materials.
- SGB mesothelioma lawyers recovered $1.5 million verdict in King County, Washington for a ship worker diagnosed with mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos in the Seattle shipyards.
- SGB mesothelioma lawyers recovered $1.3 million settlement for a sheet metal worker who was diagnosed with mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos.
DISCLAIMER: This is the fine print, but our fine print is regular size and in clear language. These client quotes and settlement/verdict figures are examples of the results SGB mesothelioma lawyers have obtained for others. Their cases were different from yours, so your result is sure to be different. We post these results for you to see that we have a track record of hard work, client service, and trial success. We won’t guarantee the results of your case, but we will guarantee to bring the same passion, skill, and experience when we fight for you.
Mesothelioma Case Appeals
The SGB mesothelioma lawyers’ work on asbestos cases has led to the development of the standards in Washington State concerning asbestos litigation. When a case establishes a precedent or a rule that is helpful for all victims of asbestos exposure when it comes time to prove their case in court, attorneys call that, “making good law.” When it comes to asbestos law in Washington, no law firm’s attorneys have made as much good law as SGB mesothelioma lawyers. All victims of asbestos exposure in Washington benefit from the establishment of this Washington asbestos law.
Referring lawyers-we’re here to help.
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or suffered from the harmful effects of asbestos, SGB mesothelioma lawyers are here to help. There is no charge for our mesothelioma lawyers to review your potential claim. If we take your case, we do so on a contingency basis, meaning that you don’t pay our fees unless we successfully resolve the claim in your favor. Contact us for a free confidential case review or call (800) 809-2234.
Who is being exposed to asbestos?
General industry employees can be exposed to asbestos when they repair brakes and clutches, or during the manufacture of asbestos-containing products. Construction workers can be exposed when they disturb asbestos-containing materials while renovating or demolishing buildings. Employees in the maritime environment can be exposed when they renovate or demolish ships constructed with asbestos-containing materials. Custodial workers can be exposed when they come into contact with deteriorating asbestos-containing materials in buildings.
The following is a list of some of the occupations that have
put individuals at risk of asbestos exposure:
- Aerospace mechanics
- Automobile mechanics
- Brake repairers
- Building engineers
- Boilermakers
- Carpenters
- Drywallers
- Electricians
- Iron workers
- Machinists
- Oil refinery workers
- Painters
- Pipefitters
- Plumbers
- Production workers
- Railroad workers
- Refinery workers
- Shipyard workers
- Ship scrappers
- Steelworkers
- Tile setters
- United States Army veterans
- United States Navy veterans
- Welders
Family members of workers who are occupationally exposed to asbestos can develop mesothelioma. This may be due to the exposure of asbestos fibers brought into the home on the clothing, skin, and hair. People living close to asbestos mines and facilities that utilized asbestos have also been exposed and have brought mesothelioma lawsuits.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has placed three standards to protect workers from exposure to asbestos.
29 CFR 1926.1101 covers construction work, including alteration, repair, renovation, and demolition of structures containing asbestos.
29 CFR 1910.1001 applies to asbestos exposure in general industry, such as exposure during brake and clutch repair, custodial work, and manufacture of asbestos-containing products.
29 CFR 1915.1001 covers asbestos exposure in shipyards.
For more information,
Who can sue for Asbestos Exposure?
People who have suffered from asbestos diseases. At SGB, our mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers have represented thousands of spouses and family members who have been exposed to asbestos indirectly and have suffered a disabling or terminal disease.
Who can be sued for an asbestos injury?
In Washington, companies that have manufactured or sold an asbestos product to which people have been exposed are liable for asbestos injuries. One challenge is identifying the manufacturers of the asbestos products. If you do not know the manufacturers of the asbestos products, we can identify some of the products based on the job sites where you worked. Premises owners, contractors, and others may also be liable.
Can companies still be liable several years after the asbestos exposure?
Yes. In Washington and Oregon, companies that manufactured asbestos products and, in some cases, distributed and installed asbestos products at job sites are liable. We will assert that these companies were negligent because they knew or should have known that they were distributing a hazardous product. We will also assert a strict product liability claim because the companies manufactured and distributed a dangerous product and failed to warn of its dangers.
When do you have to sue by?
In Washington, a claim must be filed within three years from the date of the diagnosis of an asbestos-related occupational disease. If you don’t realize at first that the disease was caused by exposure to asbestos, the three-year period to file a lawsuit starts to run from the date you learned that asbestos caused the disease.
In Oregon, a claim must be filed within two years from the date of diagnosis of an asbestos-related occupational disease. The two-year period to file a lawsuit runs from the date an individual knew or should have known that the disease was caused by exposure to asbestos.
Team Members

Thomas Breen

Luke Garrett

Colin Mieling

William Rutzick

Craig Sims

Kaitlin Cherf