SGB represents clients who have suffered all manner of traumatic brain injury (TBI). We have sought and recovered damages for traumatic brain injuries with a wide variety of type and severity. These injuries can be caused by:
- medical negligence
- birth trauma causing hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)
- defective products
- auto collisions
- poor roadway design
- bicycle accidents
- train derailments
- bus crashes
- negligence at construction sites
- sports injuries
- falls
Such injuries can range from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries causing catastrophic life changes. Any TBI raises the stakes in a legal matter for you, for the defendant, and for the defendant’s insurer.
Evaluating traumatic brain injuries is an often complex process, as is the litigation of traumatic brain injury cases. For example, determining the cause of brain injury at birth, and whether it was the result of medical negligence, can be challenging. The lack of blood flow to the brain during birth can result in permanent, debilitating anoxic brain injuries and serious neurological conditions like cerebral palsy. But often such injuries can be avoided with prudent care by medical providers.
Likewise, concussions from traumatic accidents can have very serious and long-term consequences even if there is no observable brain injury on medical imaging. The brain is very susceptible to damage from the forces generated in vehicular collisions. The brain can be knocked back and forth against the inside of the skull (often called “acceleration/deceleration injuries”), causing permanent injury. The injures can be serious and debilitating, even if they do not show up on CT or MRI scans.
Here at SGB, we understand something else: brain injuries are brutal. The “invisible injury” is a heavy burden to bear, and its impact spreads beyond the injured person to their family, friends and loved ones. Working with our clients has taught us what life is like for a brain injured person and their family. Social-emotional problems, executive functioning difficulty, explosive behavior, learning disabilities, physical limitations, sensory processing disorders, fatigue, visual and auditory disturbances, and pain—these are the daily companions of our brain injured clients. The arc of neurological recovery is long, and it is not linear. We understand, as well as anyone can who has not suffered it themselves, what a brain injury can do to a person and their family. And we have learned what it takes to accommodate, care for, and support a brain injured person. We are committed to fighting for our clients who have suffered brain injury to obtain a recovery that will not merely allow them to survive, but will let them thrive. As part of our commitment to helping survivors of brain injury, we support the Brain Injury Alliance of Washington - a local non-profit that provides much needed services to survivors.
If you have suffered a brain injury due to the negligence of another, you need attorneys with the right experience and commitment to the case. You need attorneys and experts trained in spotting and evaluating serious brain injury. A neurologist can help determine the signs, symptoms, and causes of a brain injury. A neuropsychologist can administer a battery of tests that can identify loss of brain function that shows a pattern typical of traumatically injured brains. These tests can be combined with other evidence demonstrating significant loss of brain function—which is critically important for any adequate compensation settlement or verdict. It is the brain injury lawyer’s job to bring together all of the evidence showing the nature and extent of the brain injury, how this injury was caused by the incident, and how the injury is likely to affect the client and their family into the future.
Our goal, as with any injury case we handle, is to maximize your recovery through ethical, thorough and zealous representation. We take our responsibilities to you and your family seriously. We recognize that if there has been a serious brain injury, you will be very apprehensive about the future. We will do our best to protect your legal rights and work to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.
Start with a free, confidential case review.
If you or someone you love has suffered from a serious brain injury, SGB is here to help. Let us help you. There is no charge for us to review your potential claim. If we take your case, we do so on a contingency basis, meaning that you don’t pay our fees unless we successfully resolve the claim in your favor. Contact us for a free, confidential case review or call us at 1-800-809-2234.
Team Members

Adam Berger

Thomas Breen

Kristin Houser

Liz McLafferty

Sims Weymuller