Spinal Injuries Can be Devastating
Serious spinal injuries can mean anything from quadriplegia to severe sacroiliac joint pain to herniated discs and more. The spine is very vulnerable to injury from the kind of forces generated in automobile accidents. The neck is particularly vulnerable because the head gets whipped back and forth or from side to side which can lead to severe damage or even paralysis.
Our emphasis on serious spinal injuries does not mean we think neck and back sprains and strains are not real and important injuries. Such injuries require medical and chiropractic treatment; imaging like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs; physical therapy; massage; and pain and other medications. The costs for even moderate neck and back sprains can easily exceed $10,000. Whether your neck or back sprain is a case we might handle depends on many factors.
While we cannot guarantee we will take your case, we will give it a serious evaluation. More importantly, if it is not a case that we will be able to take on, we will help to get you in the hands of a lawyer or law firm we consider both experienced and competent in these kinds of cases so you do not have to begin your search again for a new lawyer. We do not take a referral fee for doing this. We have been leaders in civil litigation for many years in this area and we have definite ideas on who would be a good lawyer to have in a moderate injury auto accident case. That is part of the service we will provide to you if you bring your case to us for a first look.
Like with serious brain injury cases, our goal is to maximize your recovery through ethical representation. We take our responsibilities to you and your family seriously. We recognize that if there has been a serious spinal cord injury, you will be very apprehensive about the future. We will do our best to reassure you that your legal rights are protected and work to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.
Even what seems like a straightforward claim can become very contested and difficult. If the injuries are serious, you should be consulting with a lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights. It can be critical to do an investigation immediately while the scene of the accident is preserved and witness memories are fresh. You can be sure the insurance company or governmental entity liable for the driver’s negligence will be investigating this accident right away! Don’t let them get to witness’s first if you can help it. It is simply reality that a witness's memory can be influenced by the person asking the questions and even provide a written statement that is not the whole story.
We investigate to make sure the true story is preserved and liability is carefully established so you can concentrate on healing from your injuries.
Like with any injury that is catastrophic, there is often inadequate insurance coverage from the driver causing the accident. Insurance companies will mightily resist any inquiry into their policy limits. An experienced attorney can usually get the insurance company to reveal such limits because they know that they would be required to reveal the limits if a lawsuit was filed.
If the driver is employed by a governmental entity or a large employer and the accident occurs in the course of their employment, that may relieve coverage concerns. If there is a roadway design issue, that also may be something worth looking into carefully.
Part of the evaluation of a serious spinal injury, therefore, involves assessing possible sources of coverage. If there are no other entities at fault, insurance is limited, and the at-fault driver does not have significant assets, the best advice may lead to an early settlement for policy limits without costs and lawyer’s fees eating up the net amount that would better go to the injured person and their family. We have represented many individuals and families with catastrophic injuries, and we take our job very seriously. There is a balance to be reached in trying to find the best result for the client. Sometimes that means recommending a settlement. Sometimes that means filing a lawsuit and aggressively pursuing defendants in court. You need experienced lawyers who can advise you which way you should go and help you get the best result. Whether through settlement or trial, we will help you get that result.
Start with a free, confidential case review.
If you or someone you love has suffered from a serious spinal injury, SGB is here to help. Let us help you. There is no charge for us to review your potential claim. If we take your case, we do so on a contingency basis, meaning that you don’t pay our fees unless we successfully resolve the claim in your favor. Contact us for a free, confidential case review or call us at 1-800-809-2234.
Team Members

Adam Berger

Thomas Breen

Sergio A. Garcidueñas-Sease

Liz McLafferty

Sims Weymuller

Kaitlin Cherf