Yakima HMA

Firm News

In October 2020, SGB filed a class action lawsuit in Yakima County Superior Court against Yakima HMA, LLC on behalf of all home health care nurses employed by the company alleging failure to provide adequate breaks, wages, and overtime pay.

On March 17, 2021, the trial court denied Defendant’s Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings in which they sought to dismiss plaintiff’s Complaint as barred by the statute of limitations. Yakima HMA is currently seeking review of that decision by the Washington Court of Appeals. Follow the links to view important documents in the case.

For further information about this case, or to tell us about your work experience with Yakima HMA, contact legal assistant, Mary Dardeau at (206) 233-1257 or (800) 809-2234 or dardeau@sgb-law.com.